Thursday, May 19, 2011

Art Harvest

Art Harvest is an online platform where hand-picked emerging and established Australian artists and designers can showcase their work.
Really happy to be asked to showcase some work, I Have a few prints for sale more to come.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Jasper Wong is a designer and Illustrator coming straight out of Hong Kong. I met him at the Carbon event, rad dude and his work is great. I think we share the same sense of humour in our illustration work
( and our love of drawing fart clouds emitting from the butts of our characters )

Tuesday, May 3, 2011



Last weekend I was lucky enough to score tickets to the Carbon event here in Melbourne thanks to RONE. The Ironlak crew where down as well to paint along side Futura. Funny story whilst walking to day 1 I met futura in the street, he proceeded to tell me a story about how he just lost his phone but a nice australian girl found it and tracked him down. I have to say he is one nice dude. Here are a few pics from the event.



Photo by Bobby Hundreds

Sgt. Slaughter

I m a huge fan of the cartoon and action figure series GI JOE. One of the characters is based on former pro wrestler Sgt Slaughter. I made this version of him today, I guess it is a zombie/straight out of Vietnam illustration.